
What has happened in the gardens during 2002

During 2002, we obtained 2 more allotments. It was hard work, but potentially much more ground to grow our vegetables in.

Gordon, the previous allotment holder, had connections in the building world…. We were about to find out. He had been in these allotment for many years and they were situated between our first 3 and allotment 4 (Andy T’s) allotment. In September we have taken over his allotment, securing a ‘right of way’ to what we will now call allotment 6.

We cleared loads and loads of rubbish and put it in the skip. Cleared all the wood and had a bonfire in this allotment. In November cleared 2 sheds and area around it so that we can plant our potatoes here in the coming year.

Because the two allotments were is such a state and we cleared it, we did not have to pay for these allotments yet!
Gordon’s old allotments are now, allotment 4 and 5!

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