
Stuffed Courgettes the continental way (4)

4 small courgettes or  a large marrow
Grated rind and juice of ? lemon
1 chopped hard boiled egg
2 tblsp cottage cheese
2 tbsp coarsely chopped fresh mint
25 gr shelled chopped walnuts.
Pinch of paprika and freshly ground black pepper.

Cook the whole courgettes in boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain well. Cut in half lengthways and scoop out a channel in the centre using a tsp. Finely chop the scooped out flesh and set aside in a bowl.

Put the lemon rind and juice into a owl and add the courgette shells. Leave them to marinate in the mixture until quite cold. Stir the egg into the chopped courgettes flesh with the cottage cheese, mint, walnuts pepper and salt and a little of the marinade to moisten. Arrange the courgette shells on a bed of lettuce on each serving plate. Pile the egg mixture into the centre of the courgettes and garnish with a mint leaf. Serve with thinly sliced wholemeal bread.

From Karina